Thursday, March 19, 2015

Visit #10: The Fives

Hello Everyone!

So here we are again, tackling even more multiplication! This time I wanted to work on the five multiplications and so I taught the song Weeevily Wheat again and changed the words to reflect the multiplication table that I wanted to teach. I also brought in an African drum called a Djembe and the students were all very enthusiastic to try it out!
Here is one video of the children singing the music with a very enthusiastic drummer! I have to apologize for my voice being so loud in the recording because I was singing along with the children, but I was closer to the camera than I thought!

The group had only about 6 students because the school was having a separate function that day that these children were unable to participate in. When the class first started, the students were all disheartened because they couldn't go with the rest of the school, but they quickly started to enjoy themselves as they began to sing along with me. When they left, one of the students yelled out "Best non-party EVER!", which I thought was funny because what they were really doing was learning their multiplication tables, but because of the influence of the arts, they really enjoyed themselves.

Thanks for reading!


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